CyberPunk 2077 Delayed again

Despite the notable excitement for Cyberpunk 2077, it is prudent to say that the last months have fit people on the upcoming game. Despite the new trusted on the dubious practices of the CPR, there remains one of the most anticipated games of a year, filled with instant classics and mega-hits, and had a strong potential to be one of the biggest games launching history.

Unfortunately, despite the previous promises to the contrary, the developer CD Project Red today announced a new delay in the release of Cyberpunk 2077, which makes it the third time that the game, which was to be launched in April, is delayed.

Of course, we can not fully reject liability on CD Project Red. The games are delayed for all kinds of reasons and 2020 was a tumultuous year, disrupting the release dates of several expected games. Final Fantasy VII Remake, for example, has been published early in some markets to ensure that everyone can play at about the same time, while The Last of Us: Part 2 has been delayed indefinitely, since L Intrigue sees heroine, Ellie, traveling. Through a post-apocalyptic landscape in the aftermath of a pandemic. All companies want to make sure their product is worthwhile to wait, which sometimes means prolonging a little wait. However, a calendar slip after having previously promised that the game would be more delayed, especially in the light of the many reports of extensive extensions apparently in place to respect the last deadline of November, will not fail to leave a bad taste. Many people. Mouthes.

The good news is that the new release date, on 10 December, is only three weeks after the previously scheduled release date of November 19th. The bad news is that we will all have to wait a little longer to see what Night City offers us.

What do you think of the last delay? Let us know in the comments, on Twitter, or Facebook.

Cyberpunk 2077 Delayed Again - IGN Now

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