Steam-Revival: Skandal

Cyberpunk 2077 caused several headlines at the end of 2020. The role-playing hope turned out to be great disappointment for many players as the game had to fight with huge problems. Since then, a lot of time has passed and the game was brought to the frontman with numerous updates. Thanks to a discount campaign, Cyberpunk 2077 has now once again managed to secure a place under the Steam Top sellers.

Cyberpunk 2077 is again a steam top seller

Steam has started the Annual Winter Sale. With the many bargains, the top sellers of the platform are rinsed straight well. For many PC players, such a sale is always an opportunity to catch up past blockbusters.

On the second place of the Steam charts, suddenly an Open World Game is comfortable, where we did not suspect this top place. The speech is from CD project cyberpunk 2077. The sci-fi role-playing game had not strained with fame in his release in December 2020.

Expected by all with high demands, the game disappointed with its countless glitches and game-breaking bugs enormously. The PC version remained partially spared, but a round experience was not yet.

In between, cyberpunk is relatively easy to play. What makes the role-play of CD project Red so special, we explain you in the video:

Buy cyberpunk 2077 for 30 euros at GOG

Meanwhile, a whole year has moved into the country and the developers have with some patches properly improved. So if you want to access Johnny Silver hand at the role-playing game, you can dust the game with a thick discount of 50 percent :

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Cyberpunk 2077 for 29.99 euros instead of 59.99 euros

You can do the deal until 05 . Secure January 2022 at 19 o'clock. If you are looking for other Steam bargains, we can recommend you our following Overview of the best offers :


Giant Winter Sale at Steam: Top games up to 85 percent reduced

Gregor Elwood

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