Battlefield 2042: microtransactions in reinforcement for the game of Electronic Arts?

EA's FPS has not yet said its last word. Faced with a more than complicated launch and an attendance that is obviously not up to expectations, Battlefield 2042 does everything to correct its shot... and that could go through the microtransactions box.

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soon new for Battlefield 2042?

Released in November 2021, Battlefield 2042 unfortunately serves as a naughty little duckling at Electronic Arts: several times, the publisher has advanced its disappointment with the title, obviously not up to what the Hautes spheres of the company. The game is nonetheless very effective and above all, it tries to catch up with large corrective updates: * The Patch 4.0 notably deployed heavy artillery with no less than 400 erased and optimization bugs. * Shortly before that, a functionality (however elementary) was also added to the FPS.

What will DICE do to refine the experience in the future? According to a dataminer (whose role is to search the files of a game to find its secrets) which looked at update 4.0, the firm would work on... microtransactions. Clear and obvious traces of an online store have actually been detected, supporting image.

J' ACCUSE ! EA (Battlefield 2042), Activision et Sony (Gran Turismo 7) vous pigeonnent !

Microtransactions and cosmetic bonuses on the program

According to these elements, EA would therefore plan to include microtransactions in its flagship FPS: an effective way of retaining the community while engaging the players. To do this, cosmetic elements would thus be planned for soldiers, weapons and vehicles; XP boosts would also be part.

Players would thus have the possibility of buying virtual currency and elsewhere, even the prices were found in the games of the game ! However, let us try to specify that in the state, Electronic Arts has not yet formalized anything... and can therefore very well review his plans, if he deems it relevant. In other words, if the microtransactions seem to arrive in Battlefield 2042, do not take this leak for cash (without bad pun), in the case of a retropedaling.

Buy Battlefield 2042 at € 29 instead of € 79 at Amazon

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29 minutes ago

It is true that making people pay unnecessary content on a meat game will come back from the world




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