How to get a trophy of the winner in Panik - Roblox

Panic is a cheerful and exciting horror game on Roblox, which you can play with friends or al1. Try to escape from a closed supermarket, collecting certain items on each scanner, but do not allow a faulty robot-pipe to catch you. You get only three hearts and lose one time every time the bot gets you. Can you run away alive and finish before all the other players?

If you manage to collect all the necessary items on each of three scanners and also to break out of the hatch before all the other players you win the round. However, you get only three hearts and potentially die if the bot manages to catch you these three times. You can earn a trophy of the winner, being * in * first one of alive, as well as get an achievement of victory for the first victory.

The winner's cup can be worn on the back. K Equip the trophy Open your inventory onthe left side of the screen symbolized backpack icon . You will find it in the list under radars tab click on the icon * to automatically equip it for your character.

What makes the trophy of the winner?

The winner trophy works like a radar while you play in every match. It will light up with yellow, orange and red to signal about the danger close to you. This will help you track the location of the bot and facilitate your escape without being caught by him. Yellow signals that you are safe from the bot, and the darker the color changes, the less you are safe.

The winner trophy is a fantastic reward that serves as an excellent radar to protect you from the bot or, possibly, trade with other players. You can flaunt your success by putting it on your back every round. Continue to play and try to get your own today!

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