Invoices in the Sims 4: tricks to always pay them and not run out of water and electricity

The Sims 4 simulates the real life so well that you must pay bills so that your home continues to supply Electricity and Water . I don't know if you've ever stopped to think about it, but your house stops working completely without these precious resources... and the same happens in the Electronic Arts game.

If you do not pay your invoices , your Sim's house will stop having electricity and water, and this translates into a downstream descent, without brakes and stepping on the accelerator to the madness and depression of your SIM. How to pay for invoices always on time?

tricks not to run out of water and electricity in the Sims 4

There are a couple of ways not to have problems with water and electricity companies in the Sims 4. The first is the oldest and most simple: it points a notice to look at the phone or mail and thus pay the invoices manually. If you are a person as clueless as me, I warn you that you will forget even 20 reminders.

Avoiding I have not mentioned it, but obviously you need money to pay the invoices, which implies looking for a * work. This applies both inside and outside the game. As in real life, in * the Sims 4 there is a trick for your invoices to be paid automatically. Unfortunately, it is not an option of the game.

Open the console the Sims 4 as I have taught you in previous guides:

PC: * Control + Shift + C PS4: L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 Xbox One: Lb + Lt + Rb + RT

Once activated, a window opens where you have to put households. Autopay_bills True. What did you just do? Well, now all the bills are paid al1. Eye, they are not free! Your bank account will receive the same Ablaze. Use Households. Autopay_bills fall on the console to deactivate the trick.

Be careful with neighbors in ecological life

If you have the expansion ecological life of the Sims 4, then you must be very careful with your neighbors. The neighborhood usually votes actions that affect all the inhabitants, including you. It remains very attentive to the proposals of electricity savings and water savings, because they will cut these services from time to time in the case of approved.

The excuse is to lower taxes... But what will reduce you will be life. In the event that it is approved, you do not take late a request for revocation of votes from the mailbox of your home to revoke these actions. It looks so much to the real life that gives scare. In summary: Completed guide. You know how to pay bills so that electricity and water are not a problem.

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