Modern Warfare 2: coffers codes and where to find

Do you want to complete all the trophies in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, but can't find the three coffers codes ? In this guide, we at MGG azil We will help you by providing the position of the coffers as well as their opening codes.


Modern Warfare 2: The first safe code

The first chest is in the mission 11 . When you are in the mansion, you will have to climb the stairs through the outer porch or the main ladder. However, be careful, the guards will attack you when they see it.

To find the chest, you will only have to go to the second room on the left when upstairs and then go to the porch. Going left, then right on the porch, you will find a closed door . Upon entering this room, all you need to do is i r to the wardrobe to find the safe .

Security Code: 02 02 19

Modern Warfare 2: The Second and Third Security Code

Fortunately, the last two coffers are in the same chapter, Mission 13. You will be able to find the first chest soon after disarming the trap. Climbing the stairs, go to the white door, where there is a man on the floor . In this same room, you will need metal to open the door that will be on the right. When the door is open, you can find the chest toward the office.

Security Code: 10 10 80

The third chest is not far from the first of this mission. Leaving the office, where you found the chest by your body, turn left after the white car . Walking a little, you can find a blue door, with red lyrics on top and the writing El Maestro . In this building, moving to the right, towards the car above, in one (other) office; The safe will be there.

Security Code: 37 60 80


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